Other Interesting Might and Magic Stuff

Here is a list of other Might and Magic stuff.


Contact Me/About Me – Information on how you can contact me, and some information about me.


History of the Worlds of Might and Magic – a timeline of the most important historical events in the Might and Magic universe.


Important Characters – a list of some of the more important characters of the MM series, and descriptions of each.


Important Terms and Locations – descriptions of important MM terms and locations.


Might and Magic Games Guide – a guide to retailed Might and Magic products.  Includes some text on collecting.


Technical Support – guide to getting the Might and Magic games to work, with information on how to get them running on Windows XP.



Here are some insignificant items of interest.


My Might and Magic Character List – a list of the characters used by the creator of this site throughout the Might and Magic series.