Important Characters of Might and Magic


There are several important characters throughout the world of Might and Magic.  In this list I will attempt to point them out.



A protector of the Worlds of Might and Magic.  He ensures the Worlds aspire as the ancients wish them to.  Before becoming a protector of the Worlds, he served as a serviceman to the VARNs, making sure they functioned correctly and that the inhabitants believed they were on a world.  One of his bigger assignments was to track down Sheltem.  This tracking led him throughout the CRON to Terra, and finally Xeen.



Sheltem is the ultimate evil in the Universe of Might and Magic.  He first tried to take control of VARN #41.  After failing that he went on and managed to gain control of the CRON.  Some brave adventurers foiled his plots, and he fled to Terra where once again he failed.  His final failure was on the world of Xeen.


Lord Xeen:

Lord Xeen was merely a supplicant to Sheltem in the Xeen campaign.  He managed one side of the World, while Sheltem reined the other.



The true King of VARN #41.  Sheltem has a history of using the name Alamar to hide his true identity.  He did so on the world of VARN (where he actually imposed on Alamar’s position), and again on the world of Xeen.


Roland Ironfist:

Ruler of the land of Enroth.  After the fall of the King, Roland and his brother Archibald were left as heirs to the crown.  Roland did not receive the throne, instead his brother Archibald did.  Roland believing he would be a more just King set out to overthrow Archibald’s rein of tyranny.  Roland eventually defeated Archibald and filled his rightful place as King.  This civil war was known as the succession wars.


After establishing his place on the crown Roland had Archibald turned to stone.  Then he set out for the land of Erathia on a crusade to establish civil law in a land where there was none.  He mysteriously disappeared after reports of devils came to Enroth.  In Roland’s absence Enroth was overrun by devils.


After being rescued from his imprisonment by the devils.  Roland returned to Enroth.  Soon after word came from the continent of Jadame that a mysterious destruction was occurring throughout the land.  Roland came immediately to Jadame’s aid.


Archibald Ironfist:

Archibald was crowned King after the death of his father.  After a bloody civil war, the succession wars, he was cast in stone.  Desperate adventurers needed his aid and freed him.  He aided them and disappeared.  No longer appreciated in Enroth, he fled to the continent of Erathia where he would rule over a mere army of goblins.


Catherine Ironfist:

Beloved wife of Roland.  Her adventures began when she set out to the land of Erathia to find Roland.  Her quest eventually led her into the middle of a war between good and evil.


After Roland’s rescue, she and he returned to Enroth.  She joined him in his campaign in Jadame.


Less Important Characters



Elemental lord of Fire.


Gralkor the Cruel:

Elemental lord of Earth.



Elemental lord of Water.



Elemental lord of Air.




  • Lord Ironfist: Ruler of Midwestern VARN reign within the Castle White Wolf.
  • Lord Inspectron: Lord of northernmost VARN. Blackridge North is his home.
  • Lord Hacker: Lord of the mid of VARN.  Presumably a practitioner of witchcraft.  Resides in Blackridge South.




  • Lord Slayer: A sadist as he keeps a stockpile of dangerous creatures within the walls of Castle Hillstone.
  • Lord Hoardall: A collector of the rare and wondrous.  He keeps his collectibles safely in his Castle of Woodshaven.
  • Lord Peabody von Pinehurst: Respected by all CRONians this lord resides in Castle Pinehurst.  He deals often in the majical sciences, and even time travel.
  • Queen Lamanda: The Queen of all CRON.  Though she has been much upset by her fathers death, it is still possible to visit her, but only after completing her tasks.