People/Jillian McDonald

Jillian McDonald

Learn about the voice behind the characters of Beem.

Jillian McDonald

Voice Talent

“My fellow Americans” – Bill Clinton impersonation


Jillian is truly a talent when it comes to voice.  She can do over one hundred different characters, male, female, and alien.  Many are comical voices but also many more serious ones.  She entertains the crew here at Beem constantly with impersonations of the presidents, and the cast of the Simpsons.


As a child she was a major fan of Cartoon Entertainment.  She made it a personal goal to have a voice worthy of popular cartoons.  Indeed she achieved that goal and now is known as one of the funniest voices in the USA.


Among other things, though she will not admit to it, she is just about the sexiest thing any one at Beem has ever seen (maybe because we don’t get out much).  Her body has been described as “A well developed female figure.”  And it is it really is.


Just about all our male employees have made multiple attempts to get ‘into her pants’.  None have succeeded up to date.  She is married after all.