Might and Magic® III: Isles of Terra™

About Isles of Terra:

Contendment is among the citizens of Terra, their Gaurdian Sheltem has developed a thirst for power much stronger than he should have. Sheltem's betrayal has led many adventurers to seek out to destroy him, but his desceptiveness has eluded them. Three Kings seek to have complete control of the Isles of Terra. Now it is up to a group of adventurers to develop the will to establish order, and seek out Sheltem.

B. M. Everett


I like to think of Might and Magic I and II as the 'Dark Age' of Might and Magic, III through V as the 'Renaissance', and VI through VIII as the 'New' or 'Modern Age'. You can see why Isles of Terra started the 'Renaissance'. The game is completely better than I or II.

With the begin of the 'Renaissance' actual sound blaster support has been added. This means realistic audio with voice, and background music. Although I have to admit in Might and Magic III the voice audio is really lousy and may not work with all systems. I wouldn't worry about that too much because there is only voice twice in the game, and the only time it's important is at the end but there's text there so you won't get too confused.

Also witht the 'Renaissance' is better visual. I don't know how to explain it, you have to see for yourself. The images in Isles of Terra just look a lot better than those in it's prequils. I also like the way combat was done. I admit combat really got boring when you had a long list of monsters. Combat goes a lot faster and is a lot more exiting.

Overal Isles of Terra is a quick fun game. It really is too quick though. I expect it should take you a week at max to complete it.

General Strategy

First of all, just explore the entire game. It can be extremely fun. The game doesn't have random encounters which often discourages players.

Destroying a monster's hut in an area will make it so those monster's no longer appear in that area. Keep in mind that with no monster's no experince can be gained. This isn't a problem if you stick to the same party members (you'll gain enough experince), but if you switch member's often you won't gain the amount of experince you recquire

Hirelings are available for hire, but I never needed to use them six members are just fine, and who wants to spend the extra money.

Extensive Strategy

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